July 20 Update

July 20 Update

Hello! I arrived in Mississippi on Monday and have slowly been making progress throughout the week. I thought running suicide drills on hills throughout all my years of cross-country was rough, but this is definitely one of the hardest things I’ve done. I am trying to keep a positive outlook, and some days are easier others, but I'm trying!

All of the pricks, pokes and midlines that were removed are slowly healing, but removing the bandage glue, is an ongoing battle. Most of the bruising is going away and the incision in my chest is also healing nicely. 

My stamina is very limited, so simple task are hard to do and exhausting like brushing my teeth or showering. I am walking three times a day, but not anything like  before where I was walking 2-3 miles a day. Right now, I walk for 15-20 mins, but because it's so hot in Mississippi, that’s is usually all I can stand. My goal this week is walking up steps!

The abundance of love, support and gifts have been just awing. Thank you for taking care of Robbie and my mom while we were in Atlanta.

Whoever supplied endless yards of yarn really helped my mom stay distracted and centered as she made a beautiful prayer shawl while in the ICU with me. You have all made this experience so much easier and I know now more than ever just how blessed I am to have you all in my life.